Just Another Minute

My little world – just enjoying the ride

confessions of an adulteress

1 Comment

Okay so here I am out typing away.  Thinking about today.  Thinking about my Royals who loose their home opener.  Stumble along to various blogs trying to catch up and see what is going on in the world.  I leave a couple of comments and glance at others.  That is until I read this one.

There is lot to take in here. The “unfaithfulness” comments… the “Even as I pushed him away” comment….the “Even amid the adultery of my heart, I hear His tender voice calling. Seek My face. I lift my eyes. I want to see Him, and be seen by Him. Unashamed of my nakedness and brokenness, I want to see and be seen. Know and be known. Understand and be understood. Love and be loved’ comment…

Take a moment and read her heart.

This is one that I will keep coming back to for a while.

Author: just-another-minute

Just a guy getting through life, wondering what is going on in the world, but willing to share a few glimps of myself to you.

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