Just Another Minute

My little world – just enjoying the ride

Where are we…



I have been thinking a lot lately about what God wanted the church to look like.  Is what we are seeing today what He intended it to look like?  Are we getting out enough… are we challenging enough… are we loving enough… are we welcoming enough… are we bible based… are we united in our love and affection for Christ… A lot of questions from me without a lot of answers, but to me it feels like there are so many divisions in the church today.  There are even divisions within the same church, within the same city/ state/or country, within the same denominations, within the protestant religion, etc. Over the years, it just feels like we have moved so far one direction or the other that it really doesn’t represent what God intended us to do with the church – church with a capital C.  Yet there are amazing things happening as well.  In fact there are churches out there doing it, loving Jesus, getting out there, and turning the world upside down.  But there are others that are more social and more about the latte on the one day of the week that they praise Him.  This is just an interesting topic for me and one that has come up lately.  What do you think?


Author: just-another-minute

Just a guy getting through life, wondering what is going on in the world, but willing to share a few glimps of myself to you.

2 thoughts on “Where are we…

  1. Thanks for the book recommend… I will look it over.

  2. there is definitely division and it’s no fun to see or be a part of!

    i would highly recommend a book to you, if you haven’t read it yet… (UN)CHRISTIAN… i’m 2/3 of the way through it so far and it deals with an “outsider’s” perspective of “the church” and what it means to be Christian… great stuff so far!!!

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